Thursday 28 May 2015

Models Own: Pukka Purple Review

Pukka Purple
 This is a bit of a change from my normal beloved pink shades, I got this as part of a set for Christmas and I fell in love with it, this is actually a mini at only 10mls and I feel I need to buy the larger version soon. I don't often wear purple so I wouldn't have picked this shade myself but I'm so glad I have it and it has been added to my top 10 shades! 

 Pukka Purple is part of Models Own's 'Ice Neon' collection which came out a couple of years ago, the shade is a bright neon purple with a slight matte finish and a little rubbery, to add shine you need a top coat. The varnish is pretty thick and takes a little while to try but I'm lucky enough to have Models Own 'Quick Dry' drops. What I love most is the fact you can actually get away with just one coat, if applied correctly and smoothly!  

What do you think of this shade?

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  1. I love a nice bold coloured nail polish particularly for Summer. At Christmas I bought a friend a set of Models Own Nail polishes, which I very nearly keep for myself.

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

  2. I normally just use red or natural, but I love to see this colour other people!

  3. It's a lovely shade, I don't own any similar shades but I quite like it! :)

  4. I love purple but not neon purple but I am loving this one with two coats and the top coat.

  5. Love the colour of this purple polish, I actually like the one coat look as much as the third coat! xxx

  6. That purple looks amazing, and is such a lovely colour for summer!

  7. Lovely shade. I have a similar one in my makeup bag.
