Wednesday 18 December 2013

New Header

Tomorrow is my deadline for my penultimate assignment for the year and all day I've been totally procrastinating and trying to think of things I'd rather be doing. Once thing I would rather be doing is messing around on Photoshop and I decided I'd make a quick new header.. Nothing special just something a little more me.
This is pretty much my life in a nutshell. I love Hello Kitty, I even have a tattoo on my ankle, I love make-up especially MAC, I am a full time university student working towards my diploma and not only am I a tourism student I enjoy traveling while being a typical student and drinking loads of alcohol. The galaxy text is my current love. I think the galaxy is beautiful and it is my Mac background! 

What do you think of my new header? Do you design blogs? I am looking to revamp my blog and need someone to help me out. I can code I just don't have the time at this moment in time.
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  1. Love it Charlene!! It really says a lot about you as a person and it says to me you're fun, you love life and you are probably pretty fun to hang with :) xx

  2. It's gorgeous :D And I think (from reading a lot of your posts) it matches the personality that comes across

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  3. looks great :) shows all of your interests.


  4. What a lovely header, it really jumps out when you visit your page :) x

  5. I think it is fantastic and is great fun. I love all the colours and interests!

  6. I love your header, it's really vibrant!
