Monday 1 July 2013

London Gay Pride 2013

So I have been awful with updating this thing, I finished college a little while ago and I've had a lack of motivation for life. I've had nothing to blog about too so no updates. Anyway, like every year (our little tradition) we went to London Gay Pride on Saturday 29th June. I decided this gives me the chance to write up too! 

 Around midday I met up with Lillie & Phyllis and we made our way towards Soho. Normally from outside my house I can get a bus which takes me to Oxford Street but due to the parade and the fact we left at Midday the buses were on divert and took us close to Charing Cross. We popped into Starbucks where I got a panini and a ice cold frap and off we went to McDs for the girls. From there we decided to talk to Piccadilly Circus and that is where we stood for the whole parade. I'll be honest I was a little disappointed with the parade, don't get me wrong it was super amazing and loads of fun but for some reasons I feel last year was alot better. There were more freebies, more stickers are more interactions. I can't really complain, I got free 'L' ears from Lillie who got them from one of the ladies in the parade.

After the parade we made our way back towards Charing Cross and Trafalgar Square. Like last year we sat at the roundabout and had a few drinks. We pretty much spent the rest of the day there before heading to G-A-Y and walking around Soho. I ended up getting home a little after midnight as Heaven was totally packed. The Queue was beyond crazy long. I have never seen it that long before and I've been there on New Years Eve and other big events. 

Pictures from the day!
**warning, picture heavy** 
Lillie & Phyllis


Start of the parade. Black Pride UK!

Free sweeties.

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